1 919
Champion’s Bounty

Champion’s Bounty

The players at the top 3 places will receive e-pins for diamonds as follows: 1st place - 2 125 000 expiring diamonds, 2nd place - 1 275 000 expiring diamonds, 3rd place - 850 000 expiring diamonds.
Top 50 players

Top 50 players

All players at top 50 in the final ranking will receive an e-pin for 85 000 expiring diamonds.
Sole Survivor

Sole Survivor

The winner of the tournament will have the honor to bear this gold medal on their profile in all realms.
Silver Sword

Silver Sword

The player ranked 2nd in the tournament will have the honor to bear this silver medal on their profile in all realms.
Bronze Sword

Bronze Sword

The player ranked 3rd in the tournament will have the honor to bear this bronze medal on their profile in all realms.
Special mark

Special mark

The players who receive special rewards will also receive these medals on their profiles in all realms.